Sunday, April 11, 2010

wrack and wruin

is only natural, not too natural
     but natural,
and so a little shaking and stumbling and
is natural, the world itself is shaking a bit
     and eventually
will be forgetting all of its Myths which C.G. Jung
     and Joseph Campbell
and Others got so hot about. Snake Goddesses.
     Virgin Mary. And
All That. So you can put it in perspective in
     a phrase. Nevertheless
the common cold plus all of the aches and sorrows
     and sometimes fiercest
pain and loneliness, the loss of one's false teeth, the
     forgetting of names of
people in the emotional family come along with the
     Morality Figure Dilapidation
and pinch a nerve, bruise and bruise and bruise a life
     unto exhaustion,
unto the Holy Ghost, unto the Need to say Good-bye Good-bye
     Good-bye, please
     put me to bed.

"'Thou hast me on the wrack' in various styles" by John Tagliabue.

1 comment:

  1. *sigh* Apparently this ate my comment yesterday.
    It's... a disturbing photo, and a disturbing little poem.
