Friday, April 2, 2010

a new April poem

(finally hung my iron candle holder out on my balcony.)

The Saints of April

by Todd Davis

Coltsfoot gives way to dandelion,
plum to apple blossom. Cherry fills
our woods, white petals melting
like the last late snow. Dogwood's
stigmata shine with the blood
of this season. How holy
forsythia and redbud are
as they consume their own
flowers, green leaves running
down their crowns. Here is
the shapeliness of bodies
newly formed, the rich cloth
that covers frail bones and hides
roots that hold fervently
to this dark earth.

One side of the SAM.  Spent a pleasant morning wandering around and re-visiting my favorites niches.

The shimmery floor in the women's restroom.

This is one of the doors to the downtown YMCA; the other door reads "Boys Entrance".

It was a good day for $$ in increments of 10s; a found dime and found $10.


  1. WOW! Finding ten bucks is a really good find!

    How wise of the Y to have a boys' entrance. In the olden days, it probably went directly to a boys' dressing room. Perhaps the Army/Navy door went to a barracks-style dressing room, where people were walking around shouting, "Drop and give me fifty!"

    The mind boggles.

    The mind also snickers at your photographing the bathroom floor. You're as bad as D. taking pictures of the urinals -- the decorated urinals -- in the Schipol airport bathroom.

    Jama's doing poetry potluck all month and giving away cookbooks and poetry books, so you should stop by throughout the month.

  2. Although the $10 was found in my mailbox and not on the curb, it was still a nice find!

    The bathroom floor was gorgeous--all shimmering.

    And thanks for the cookbook tip!
