Monday, March 8, 2010

merry mish-mash

It's been a busy 48 hours since I posted last.  Fun/ny tidbits from the past couple of days:

as I seem to spend a hefty amount of my week in church, am always amused when things go awry up front.  This week, one of the readers embellished the reading from Exodus changing it from "to the country of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, and the Parasites...."  !

One of my favorite views in the Willamette Valley.  Very tasty gingerbread was ready to eat when I arrived at my aunt/uncles.  

The moon early this morning--can't figure out how to turn off the flash on my phone.  Who knew we would ever say that phrase in a sentence?

It's been too long since I've posted blurred shots from the driver's seat, but there are SNOWflakes.  Please notice the nice juxtaposition against the cherry blossoms....

A day or two of good visits with family and long-time friends and a return home with a trunk full of dirt/manure.  A very successful outing.


  1. Yes, I heard the shrieks on Facebook - snow in Portland and on Capitol Hill (apparently I know someone a few neighborhoods from you.) I have to say that the snowflakes don't so much go with the cherry blossoms...

    It's cold/dark here, too, much to no one's surprise, but no snow.

  2. It's all bright sun this morning, but it froze hard. Glad I brought my herbs inside.
