Tuesday, March 16, 2010

another blossomy hike

Saw these on my walk over to the bookstore at the Cathedral....music for my Easter brass finally arrived.  If you're ever in need of fascinating conversation, go linger in any independent bookstore.  Fun and calorie-free.

These cool green flowers are everywhere right now.

Tried to capture the entire row, but with the wind whipping around today, didn't turn out so well.

One of my favorite bus stops--the pouring rain and blasting wind did not help the focus!  And now that my errands are run, I shall loaf and digest Keillor's latest delight.


  1. Yeah - I can't see you returning to the blasted wasteland of Hayward after this...

  2. Love your photos...and it's true that independent bookstores are fun places to hang out...especially good used ones.
