Thursday, July 8, 2010

huge, HUGE delight

Please admire my new window fan.  Keep in mind that I have one window which opens in this small aerie, and you will realize what a huge delight this is.  AND I have unending electricity with which to run it.  There have been epochs (as Anne-with-an-e would say) where I have had to choose which utility would be on and I'm happy to have them all functioning.  (I don't think that I mentioned in my previous rant on summer that the homicide rates spike during heat waves.  But there you have it.  I am not the only one who is irritable with the rise in mercury.)

One of the nicest things about FB (Facebook) is keeping in touch with former students.  Had the loveliest chat with R (yes, he is the one in the dress in the above photo from a state festival) about his summer job, his college major and his mature/improved view of the world.  Made me smile all afternoon and evening.

Bogart is doing his best nonplussed limp lying about during this heat.  With that furry coat, can't say that I blame him.

1 comment:

  1. ...if said former student has improved view of the world which leaves out the wearing of his choirmate's dress, it can only be to the good...
