Saturday, July 10, 2010

childhood chant

Ladybug!  Ladybug!
Fly away home.
Your house is on fire.
And your children all gone.
Have never quite understood that childhood poem, but it popped into my head when I found said ladybug on my pea plants today.  A nickel found on the library trek and a cooling trend are the delights of this day.  Stay tuned for tomorrow's adventure--I won a ticket to a local opera company's production of La Somunbula!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, but dude: did anybody ever actually SAY that little ladybug poem??? Ever???

    You know what I learned when I was five? I learned that we should not practice anthropomorphism. I had QUITE a first grade teacher. She taught us this one:

    Ladybug, ladybug, fly away do,
    Fly to the mountain and feed upon dew.
    Feed upon dew and sleep on a ROCK (other children learned RUG. We did not learn anthropomorphizing.)
    And then fly away -- like a good little bug.

    Since she sang that operatically (the ROCK was a lovely high G) she made "Rock" and "Bug" rhyme. Kinda.

    Man. Childhood was weird.
