Saturday, October 17, 2009

west winds, golden

Yesterday's outing was a downtown trek to a free concert by the Golden West Winds from Travis Air Force Base.  During my undergrad years in the Napa Valley, the entire band would come to the college.

Yes, the autumn dampness has begun; I think it makes the leaves more brilliant, but I do have to admit that I do not enjoy being curbside in a bus deluge situation.

The concert was held at the Seattle Central Public Library, an intriguing bit of architecture.

They played some patriotic tunes, some Mozart, some Debussy, some spirituals and something by a French woman composer that the announcer got so enmeshed in the historical/biographer details that she left out the name of said composer.

This floor, the 10th,  is vertigo-inducing.

Gotta love an elevator with the Dewey Decimal system on the panel!

1 comment:

  1. Seattle Central. The crosshatching is definitely ...sort of homespun front-porch looking. Funny how you went to all of these concerts back home - I never have even heard of the Travis band, and I practically lived next to the AFB for a couple of years. I should get out more...
