Monday, October 26, 2009

day of riches

with this apocryphal sunrise, I was fully expecting to see at least a couple of horsemen today...but church and the first children's choir rehearsal went well.

Rainier had an amazing flare on the eastern side; hard to see with this wee camera shot.

some things, I just don't ask about...

and sing along 'Tis the last roooose of summmmer, all covered with'?  I don't remember, dew?  Anyway, these were lovely and blooming on the campus of Seattle University as I strolled down the hill to my favorite book store.

This is the Sorrento, one of Seattle's oldest hotels.  Seems they host very cool events; I would love to go to the Chamber vs. Chamber one in November.

Another view of the Central Library.

And down the very steep hills; I'm telling you, this place is every bit as steep as SF.  Found a penny in the bricks, shortly after I took this shot.

interesting lights along the sidewalk; they changed colours randomly.

Yes, I keep trying to capture the gorgeousness of autumn.  The photos never come close to conveying what it is like to be standing right there.

Nirvana, otherwise know as The Elliott Bay Book Company.  Bliss!

My bargain book

Fajitas marinating with California and Scottish peppers.

making pie crust with my grandmothers pastry cutter

and with her rolling pin

caramel apple pie with smiling faces, ready to go into the oven.

It's been a good day.


  1. Ooh, I stayed in the Sorrento for an entire week. They have a lovely brass and ebony elevator in which they change the carpet daily... so you can know the day of the week before you come down and take tea in their parlor.

    I was too timid when last I was there; staying with D. through one of his interminable business trips. I hid out in the room during the day instead of doing more than ghosting by the library. Now I'm old(!) and bold, and I'd never do that again... although getting back in time for their tea would be great... except that back then people could smoke in Seattle and they smoked in the parlor. Cigars. Ugh.

    Glorious shot of Elliot Bay. I'm so tired of these old indies closing, I really am. Makes me very sad. I don't WANT to go to B&N. I really hate the big chains, you can never find anything of worth, and they have fifteen hundred copies of whatever worthless thing they think people want. AND NOTHING ELSE. Bah.

    Sounds like a fabulous day, even sans the Four Horsemen of Children's Choir.

  2. A full week!??!! What a treat that must have been. And yes, now that we wear purple, there's no stopping us from being intrepid explorers.

    Haven't mentioned how smoky the NW is--odd coming from the east, but there's so many smokers here. I would say it's the damp air that makes it worse, but it's damp back east. It's just odd considering this is such a health/exercise minded community.

    Seattle's also filthy in comparison to Manhattan--hard to believe that's true as S is teeny in comparison, but the curbs and gutters are full of trash and there's graffiti everywhere; even in the nice bits of town.

    There's a hot mayoral race going on, so perhaps the new one can reform this place.

  3. Love the pictures!

    When the economy runs down, so does the garbage collection ... and people get stressed out.

  4. It DOES look like the perfect day. The picture of the bookstore totally took my breath away. Oh my, oh my. I wish I were close to that!
