Monday, October 12, 2009


Just returned from a fascinating play.  And once again, got to chat with the playwright and the producer after the show.  I love my neighborhood.  Here's the blurb from the program notes:

The idea of memories as ghosts is something that I have always believed.  As Hilshire (main character) says, "Everyone has one, sometimes even a few" and this playwright has certainly had her share.  I wanted to explore that concept and combine it with the kind of good old-fashioned ghost story that I have always loved.  As a playwright, I try to write plays that I would enjoy seeing myself, so really my ultimate goal is to hopefully entertain you for the next hour or two.

p.s.  Oh, and that Jo and Laurie thing has always bugged me. ALWAYS.

(I laughed and laughed over her postscript because I always get so angry by the end of Little Women, even though I know it's coming.)

Intriguing premise and fairly well carried out on stage.  Off to Compline. 

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