Tuesday, August 31, 2010

full circle

is the name of the farm from which I am now getting two boxes of produce monthly.  Serendipitous that as I stepped out the door to go get my first box, there was a penny at my feet?  I vaguely remember trying this CSA thing before, but getting overwhelmed with five cabbages.  Or some such thing.

But I am feeling optimistic about this venture as it is only twice monthly.  And as it is pouring today, reminds me that it won't always be a pleasant jaunt down the hills to Pike's Market during the winter.  (My closest farmer's market is on Sundays--right during my working hours.)

Bok choy that can only be called darling.

In less than 12 hours we've gone from this to

Yeah!  August is finally over.  We're headed into the best bits of the year now.


  1. Yep, just this morning I was doing a slow backstroke and looking up through the glass ceiling of the poolhouse, and then I was home and showered and realized the clouds had rolled in and the temp had dropped to 48. Summer has officially lost its lease.

    Good luck with the CSA. I am seriously considering going back to it this winter, too, but Sainsbury's has a good selection. I just hate that things like Butternut Squash here are consider "exotic" foods. Good grief. I get bored with the same selection, but there's nothing to be done about that. 1001 Ways to Eat Kale! Woot!

  2. Oh, my. We will NOT be going back to the CSA, because these people over here have no CLUE what a "vegetable" is. I'm sorry: vegetable does NOT include 1) potato, 2) turnip, 3) parsnip, 4) carrot, 5) rutabaga, 6) beet!

    I mean, OK, those are fine in small quantity. But, frankly, "vegetable" to us means "leafy" and/or "tomato." Very little else, and in very little quantity.

    Your innards will thank you, though, for eating all of those veggies.
