Sunday, August 22, 2010


The first tinges of autumn!!!!!!!

Seconded by some ivy a block later.

Fresh flowers in the ferry bathroom added a touch of elegance to the mini-break trip which I took.

This miniature day of vacation was celebrated by a pop into Sluys for a cinnamon roll to enjoy on a park bench.

As I enjoyed my solo dining last week, decided to try it again and found it just as delightful.  This wall of Mexico also amuses me, smack in the midst of Viking territory.

How I'd really like to be spending my summer....

Sleepy girl posing by her grandparents new tandem bicycle.  One which they are riding across America the summer next!

Passenger excited by the prospect of heading to the Pt. Townsend farmer's market.

Sunscreen?  Check.  Hat?  Check.  Stroller shade?  Check.  Blanket?  Check.

Divine breakfast.

Friendly town.

Something chocolate and a penny found wrapped up the outing in a most fitting way.


  1. ...Found a pence in the changing room at the pool - and thought of you.

    I have to say that the name of the cinnamon roll place is ...disturbing. Sluys? Really!? Non-appetizing, there.

    As much as the colors of autumn are so gorgeous, it's just been so cold this summer I'm not keen to see them, but the leaves are yellowing here as well, and the light is failing. One long last winter to come...

  2. That poor child in the stroller, locked away from the world. Sure, she'll have a lower risk for skin cancer, but ... will she enjoy it?

  3. You'll be happy to know that she stayed put for approximately 15 seconds!

    And yes, Sluys. Sounds like a healthful soup kitchen.
