Wednesday, December 9, 2009


oddly trimmed hedge

my beautiful new passport AND a penny found

the new passports have lovely watercolour pictures and little poems/sayings sprinkled throughout the pages

first batch of gingerbread for the season--the flat smells divinely of molasses, cloves, ginger, nutmeg and cinnamon.  These are going out as thanks to the many participants in my Lessons/Carols last weekend.

new cookie cutters--the old ones disappeared somewhere between the western and eastern coasts.

and voila!


  1. It is so cold I should be baking every day. But, I'm not. Instead, I am walking two miles a day, trying to beat off this extra flesh.

    I need to find people who will eat the baking. Because I just NEED to turn on the oven. Brrrr!

  2. Yes, I am thankful for a staff and many musicians who gobble down all this food! And I figure with this cold, my body has to be eating up fat. Right?
