Friday, November 18, 2011

finding out what I'm doing here...


Had the luxury of taking my annual birthday retreat outside of Pt. Angeles.  A lovely little unit with a water view and many curious seagulls.

 FYI--gulls do not care for kale.

wintery landscape

Hiking along Dungeness Bay; didn't make it all the way to the lighthouse; next trip.  And my credo for the upcoming year:

cherish your solitude. take trains by yourself
to places you have never been. sleep out alone
under the stars. learn how to drive a stick shift.
go so far away that you stop being afraid of not
coming back. say no when you don't want to do
something. say yes if your instincts are strong, even 
if everyone around you disagrees. decide whether 
you want to be liked or admired. decide if fitting in
is more important than finding out what you're doing here.

eve ensler


  1. Looks a little dismal for your birthday jaunt. There's something to be said for solitude, but hopefully one chooses when and how much. We love you.

  2. Happy Birthday.
    You still have something to which to look forward (and I mean more than the gift which will arrive post-Thanksgiving).

  3. Happy Birthday Laurie! Looks lovely! We are looking for a good place to stay in Pt. Angeles over Thanksgiving. Please let me know if you have any good ideas (like this place!) ^_^!

  4. Thank you! I stayed at a unit in the Discovery Bay area--my parents gifted me with it. There were other vacation rentals all over the area between there and Sequim. Gorgeous spot!
