Wednesday, November 16, 2011

dancing joys

 not sure if these sculptures of a friend's children are whimsical or creepy.

 dropped dews

trying on the first recital tutu

If you think the world (politicians, Euro, disease, etc.) is no damn good, get yourself to the nearest dance studio.  Three-year-old ballerinas embody the essence of joy like you've never seen.

And you might learn the choreography for Twinkle Twinkle.   Which may inspire you to twirl about a bit in exuberance.


  1. a.) Re: heads - "I'm going to go with CREEPY for five thousand, Alex." Good grief, those heads. We have one in the yard with glasses, and it was halfway under a bush; as autumn has come on, it's more visible. Ugh!

    b.) Sol's adorable - I love that they dangle the lure of the tutu before them to get them to stick with the class. So wee, to be learning choreography already.

  2. Agree with TD - "creepy" on heads.

    Last night Soli was "inconsolable" at her missing leotard, which was probably left at day care. She is one special little girl - sings "Twinkle" around the house in various "costumes." Thanks, Laurie.
