Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Going back to the doctor may not seem like it ought to be listed as a delightful thing; but when one cannot get well, it is nice to be able to consult a medical professional.  And I was pleased at the end of the various tests, the doctor asked if I was an athlete because (aside from the bronchitis/sinus thing) my oxygen levels, lung capacity, blood pressure and resting heart rate were outstanding.  Hooray for the decades now (gasp) of almost daily singing and of long walks.

Anyway, I welcome the month of November with three new prescriptions and the hopes that this time, the plague will be eradicated from my lungs. 

Meanwhile, the Eastern Nephew has survived Sandy and is giggling for his first Halloween.

Pul-lease?  Just one little piece of candy?  I'll brush my tee...oh wait, I don't have any.

Yup.  I've discovered a new life mission :)

1 comment:

  1. Yep.
    As the sink backed up today, and the plumber had to come out (water all over my office floor from an uncapped drain, yay) I thought about that... and did my best not to snag myself on anything and need a tetanus shot, as I bailed water. I thought, "January... is coming!" So, I know I'll be glad when our insurance kicks in, too...
