Thursday, October 25, 2012

in search of whimsy

never did the hulu hoop thing in the 70s, but while reading a friend's blog on the simply joy of swooping around like a child, decided it was the perfect thing to lift this day's spirits.  (and this blinking model was the only one they had, so have a bit more whimsy than originally planned...)


  1. My whimsy is those glow sticks - I found that at the Oriental Trading Company, and for some reason at a beverage store (have a drink, wave a stick, whee?) and I love them. And despite not needing to, I still put them in the freezer to preserve them as long as possible.

  2. I'm told by a reliable source (someone who "hooped" for the Queen's Jubilee) that the hoop needs to be as tall as your waistline is high - otherwise, it's just inadequate. Hope this one works for you. :-D
