Wednesday, August 8, 2012

this & that

My new classroom!  So much organizing to do, but at least I've dusted and cleaned off the piano.

 The Philosophers hanging out at Barton Springs.

Have learned that the grebes here embody the aggressiveness of the east coast squirrels.  I watched this guy pluck out a sugar packet, dunk it in the doggie water dish and then snort and sniff his way to a high.  The server told me prior to the cafe putting all sugars into lidded glass jars, he would find 60-70 sugar packets scattered around the patio by the end of each shift.

Have always loved Spanish architecture and now am enjoying all the tin art work that is scattered all over the region.

Just postponed my east coast trip; will meet the new nephew at a more opportune time than the first days of school.   He will be arriving at any time; stay tuned for photos!


  1. Your classroom does indeed look to be in a slight tangle, but what joy to have it all pulled together when your school year begins!

    Meanwhile, that doesn't look like a grebe - I thought those were diving water birds/ducks? In the UK with orange circles around their eyes those are choughs. Here, I think "black birds," and go on with my life...!

  2. Ha! It may be untangled by Dec, no way by next week.

    And yes, I meant 'grackle' not grebe. regardless of name, they're obnoxious & everywhere.
