Saturday, August 18, 2012

backing into school

No, I haven't been struck by lightening nor fallen off the planet; just have been stuck in that glorious thing called Inservice.  Five full days of life wasted.  But!  This site is to be about miniature delights, so let's catch up on those.

A cute little bag of minty things was delivered by the outgoing PTO mom & children.

Got my first paycheque since May and indulged in these fun little O's.

Coinage found.

My inept apartment management has locked us out of the amenities and because I was mightily displeased about not being able to exercise, they gave me a little Visa gift card.  So, I got a new wallet, earrings and some chocolate soap.

And finally--have wanted one of these for a couple of years and decided that this would be my 'back-to-school' supplies all in one!

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, nice wallet. It's likely that wallets and underwear are the least purchased things on earth - we always end up giving ourselves something else, but they're necessary evils!
