Saturday, September 17, 2011


 The cutest mini-butter sticks

full moon rise

 auspicious ferry ride to a fabulous job interview

gorgeous dinner

I only thought I was going to get to collapse in my bed after a very long week....

Have only a few minutes online; not enough time to write of all that has happened in the past week.  But finally, FINALLY, things are becoming happy around here.  More to come...


  1. Hahah! Aaaand, this is why we're friends: butter AND cupcakes in the same post!

    So pleased for you. And relieved to see the working out of a plan God must have had all along, but COULD HE GIVE PEOPLE SOME CLIFF NOTES!?


  2. Yeah, I thought we explained the tickets from the ceiling concept DECADES ago....

  3. I hate to say it, but your Minnesota-Norwegian roots are showing (Land-o-Lakes?). ::snicker::
