Wednesday, September 7, 2011

crazy, party of one

Life, while never slow for me, has suddenly intensified.  September is going to be juggling my current three jobs as well as teaching an intersession at a community college.  Oh, and my accompanist just gave notice, so I am revamping my entire semester's worth of music.  And somewhere in all of that, going to the beach to spend some time with The Elders.

A penny found on the way to work seemed a good omen.  As well as the fact that I'm going to defy this heat wave and turn on my oven to bake up a choir party's worth of cookies tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Odd, how it can be feast and famine both at the same time. Sending good thoughts your way for the experience at the CC to go well, and for a smashingly good accompanist to become available to you.

    The beach is good, very good.
