Saturday, October 2, 2010

producing joy

Because one is never too old to play with one's food

Kale produces gorgeous diamonds of water during the rinsing process.  

Found an entire dollar on the ground on my walk back from Pike's.  As I ebulliently made my up the hills, I reflected on how much delight I find in food and the fact that we have to interact with it daily.  Also am v. glad to be living in a city that celebrates good food--both the growing of and the cooking with.   Even a solid year of going to Pike's still thrills me. Arriving home, I found this gem from a friend:  "Food offers one of life's few predictable pleasures".

And having nothing to do with food, I think these new hand dryers are GENIUS.  After years of having water drip down our arms, someone invents one that works with gravity.


  1. Like the picture of the artichoke ... and am envious that you get them there!

  2. Your artichoke! Gorgeous!
    And can I laugh!? We saw Dysons at the airport the first time we landed here -- it took me a sec to figure out how to use them. They're just wonderful. I bow to all things Dyson, although those vacuums are ridiculously overpriced, and I hope to never have carpet in a house again. But they do look like they at least corner well.

    But, I still want I want a Roomba.
