Tuesday, September 28, 2010

it takes a whole village

are words from one of my all-time favorite songs which I've conducted.  And the phrase is floating around my head as I view a photo of my tribal elders at last week's beach holiday.

"It takes a whole village to raise our children,
it takes a whole village to raise one child,
we all, every one --must share the burden
we, everyone, will share the joy."


  1. Wow. How do they manage to look pretty much as they did 25 years ago? You should be pleased about good genetics in your lineage...

  2. Well, what does it take to rear grown-ups?
    Don't you ever ask them why
    If they told you, you would cry
    So just look at them and sigh
    And know they love you

  3. I do have an incredible gene pool!

  4. Nice pic - I'm not part of your gene pool but very happy to be your aunt - and as for the "village" - it does take at least two of us to care for a 2 y/o and her baby brother if we are going to do other things. We are privileged to have input into their little lives and enjoy seeing them develop into their unique selves.
