Wednesday, November 25, 2009

ten top

In honor of the dime I found this morning and the day of thanks tomorrow, decided to list the top ten things for which I am grateful today:

1.  continually finding coinage
2.  a cool climate
3.  vibrant colleagues with whom to work
4.  a furry funny pet
5.  a room of my own in an eclectic neighborhood
6.  a delicious menu for tomorrow
7.  health--in particular my eyesight and my ability to walk.  (I know this is weird but for years if I'm having a truly horrific day, I use the handicap toilet stall and it always puts things into perspective for me.  Yes, I'm having a bad day, but I am fully mobile and able to get around on my own.)
8.  continuity of decades long friendships and the email/im ability to stay in constant contact
9.  new friends and new paths
10. pumpkin cheesecake bars that are cooling on my counter as I type