Sunday, November 15, 2009

cents, scents and senses

a truly crisp day for an autumnal stroll....

out-of-focus moss

brilliant fuschias--I love how colours pop on grey days

The Conservatory at Volunteer Park

I was trying to catch the fish via the lens, but actually like the tree reflections that showed up.

Some of the rare trees that still have their leaves.  The contrast with the stark, rather Gothic house, is nice.

Again with the bluriness, sorry.  This was a delightful basement window box; there are gourds tucked behind the cabbage blossom things.

Was disappointed that I hadn't found any coins on my extended walk today and voila!  A dime in my lobby was waiting for me.

Stay tuned for bagpiping and kilts....although, I know for some of my readers, that is not an enticement!


  1. Erm, no. I could do without the pipers. Unless they're really, really good...

    The lovely greenhouse there looks exactly like the one I'm looking forward to seeing in California! And that mushroom -- what a shot!! Your camera may be fickle, but it does come through occasionally.

  2. That gothic house - I mean, whoa! Truly looking like it's straight out of a Hitchcock film!

    A truly beautiful catch of that mushroom.

  3. What's weird, is the moss was right behind the mushroom. So I used the same setting and was holding as still as I was for the 'shroom shot, but it was blurred.

    Yes, my neighborhood is filled with architecturally interesting and varied styles. I truly love walking around it.
