Monday, September 24, 2012

who could ask for anything more?

'Phew 1 and his first attempt at cinnamon rolls; love the M&M embellishment!

I get to see this sweet little face in person tomorrow!!!!!!

and yes, while life has been rolling right along--between the dying computer and the rather chaotic stress of work (we're going through accreditation the first week of October), haven't posted for a bit.  But there have been pennies found, and tango orchestras heard and yummy diners/cafes explored and good conversations with colleagues and alumni.

And me and my mini-potions are all ready to fly for the first time in several years.


  1. Wishing you the loveliest of journeys, and a delightful time of baby-holding, which is just what an auntie should get plenty of.

  2. I love that Miss Junior Mint's head is pointy still. She's adorable.

    I am unnerved at the idea of M&M's on a sweet roll, however... I hope the child has come down from the ceiling by the next time you see him.
