Thursday, May 3, 2012

the delight in teaching

Getting close to getting a good shot of our local pheasant.  Am getting accustomed to his shriek and dash routine, as I startle him out of his preening morning stare into my glass door.

As today was a block day, decided it was a grand time for a kitchen project.

Was horrified last week when one of my kids said they thought pizza came in frozen boxes or was delivered on one's doorstep; decided to rectify those concepts.

So, today we read an essay on the history of pizza, and looked at an old map of the regions of Italy.  We learned how and when pizza arrived in America.

We debated the merits of Chicago style vs. New York style.

We learned to shriek 'pizza' and 'mozzarella' and 'oregano'  as though our names were Luigi and Marco.

 We learned how to chop 'shrooms and grate cheese without bleeding into our food.   We learned how to stretch fresh dough without making holes in it.

And we suddenly realized that we have only a few days left to spend together.

Voted our best breakfast of the semester.  There really is no better career than one of teaching.

1 comment:

  1. ...and teaching ESL where you make the curriculum = EVEN BETTER.

    Also, pizza.
