Wednesday, May 12, 2010

maya stein


It was time - I could tell. All these months of vigilance and caution,
and I'd let my body go too soft. And while I saw the reward
of this new permeability - the way my heart stirred at the slightest pain
it witnessed - something in me needed a steel-eyed gaze forward,
traction, focus, and launch. So I began the only way I knew,
hauled myself to the sporting goods store for a set
of free weights, then drove home, posed before the mirror, and drew
my fists in until my biceps hardened, each muscle resolute.
I know it’s just the beginning, that there are deeper risks to take.
But for now, today, it’s good to feel a different kind of ache.


  1. no, this is her 10-line Tuesday writing experiment. I'll have to go find her original website--I used her during poetry month.
