Saturday, May 1, 2010

"Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants."

so begins Michael Pollan's food and dietary advice.  While his books have been around for several years, winning awards and fans, this new pocket book is an amusing and pithy read.  (The last book of his I read was actually on architecture.)  Some of his common sense approach is to not eat anything that your grandmother wouldn't recognize as food, or if there are ingredients that a 3rd grader cannot pronounce--you probably oughtn't be putting inside your body.

Why all this chatter about food and diet on a blog that is supposed to be looking at the teeny daily delights?  I've decided that May is going to be my personal pondering of diet, food, energy, and overall health.  If you're bored, you're welcome to wait until June where I'll delve into another topic. 

I've a stack of books from the library and will kick off this month with these tidbits.

The teeny thing I'm doing this week is what I call five-a-day.  Yes, it's pathetic that as a life-long vegetarian, my diet contains limited fresh produce and I'm changing that.  That is my challenge.  What is yours?


  1. Eliminate carbs, replace them with vegetables or protein. Call it veggie-Atkins.

  2. Great book - I've read portions - even off gluten I struggle re fresh veggies/fruits - cooked/baked veggies are great. My current goal is to increase my core strength while improving my diet. Awesome pictures!

  3. I had three people stop me on the street and ask about these tulips; they're gorgeous. As they open, they look as though they've been cross-bred with peonies.
