Sunday, July 24, 2011

awesome & authentic

Is it the height of hubris to applaud one's self in public?  If so, I am going to transgress.  Just finished my teaching practicum for my TESOL class to rave reviews.   Yes, I realize that I've been teaching for awhile, but teaching one's peers still unnerves me.

Now to find a classroom 'for reals'.


  1. Hahah!
    Where do you FIND these little pictures!? Cute.

    I think you're wise to applaud; if you don't lead the congratulatory chorus, they won't know when to start.

  2. I agree with Tanita. It's something your admiring public would want to know, and no one else is going to tell us.

    I wait with bated breath (as opposed to baited breath, to which some people seem committed) to read about what comes next!

  3. Congratulations, Laurie - hey we want to know these things. Hope the next step follows in kind.

  4. All the drawings and cartoons on my blog are from Google images. S'pose I ought to credit them, but they are public domain and I don't pretend they are mine.

    And thank you, Ging, for keeping the wormy breath away from this conversation!

    Have the certificate in hand and now need to get cover letters out!
