Sunday, November 14, 2010

day of delights

Hands down, my best date of the year.  Sushi at the cool place downtown where your plates go zipping by on a conveyor belt, a swoop through the children's department at Nordstrom's to admire their massive aquariums and then to the Central Library to ride the neon green escalators.

Followed by a hot chocolate (to recuperate from walking all those city blocks with teeny legs) with a magic chocolate stirring stick.


  1. Hey - I think I know your "date" with the short legs. Bet we'll hear all about it on Tuesday - what a nice "auntie."

  2. ...and then a return to Mom when she's all spun out on the sugar rush. Yay, aunties!

  3. She did so well walking around the city, climbing up the high curbs and learning how to ride an escalator!

    And in my defense, she had had lunch, so it wasn't a mad sugar rush :) Just a teeny one.
