Monday, March 19, 2012

city sightings

 Out of the classroom and into the city with our Russians visitors took us first to the Space Needle.

In front of the construction for local glass artist Chihuly.  Cannot wait to see this new place, especially at night.

Views were fairly decent, but no Rainier.

Lake Union and a few of the Cascades.

Happy daffs with a bit of blue and sunshine.

Curds & whey for lunch in the form of delicious and spicy Beecher's mac/cheese; although it can be a bit off-putting to watch them shovel curds around while eating.

A ginormous chair in a chocolate shop that was quite generous with it's fudge samples.

A colleague's husband has just opened a  robotics lab with a Russian scientist, so it was a perfect place for us to visit.  This is Robbie the Robot. 

A fuzzy prototype.

And I did find a penny right away as I entered the city streets and I decided to put it through one of those souvenir vending smushing machines.

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