Thursday, May 17, 2012

remember where you started

 the juggler

At some point, of course, your own stamina will fail, and the rhythm
you began with will splinter, then collapse. But that first belief that thrust
your hands in motion - I want to say something about that. This was not some whim
or fantasy of epic talent. It was your cells talking, trust
threading your very bones, your hopes held high as clouds. That kind of faith
is untouchable, regardless of all those balls tumbling earthward. Remember
where you started, those inklings that led you to practice your lofty art
on a busy sidewalk, color pinwheeling around. That’s the necessary ember,
the tiny fire churning,
your naked courage daring you to sing.

~maya stein

 It's been a frustrating week in Lake Wo....guess I should say, Liberty Bay.  But this irritation is good as it underscores (and cuts through the bittersweet of saying good-bye to students) my decision to leave this current gig.  Think it is also helpful in shaping what I require from future positions.  

Onwards!  Following the inklings and nudges from the universe.

1 comment:

  1. Learning things, indeed... When our director was a poo-pot on Tuesday, I thought meanly, "I shall NOT miss you!" and then he invited us back to sing for certain big concerts and I had to take it back.

    I mean, what's a six hour flight to sing with an orchestra and friends??? Or, a flight to Leipzig?
