Monday, July 11, 2011


is the lovely concept which I've borrowed from Germanic tradition.  It is a day where the entire school goes hiking for the day.  When I was wandering Europe in my teens, I stayed with a classmate in Austria and got to experience this phenomenon with her school as we hiked to Hallstatt for the day. 

Since then, I've been lucky enough to live by some beautiful cities that lend themselves well to an urban wandertag.  After two days of sitting for umpteen hours, today seemed an auspicious day to wander my current city.  

Went to the Garden of Remembrance, behind Benaroya Hall (home to the Seattle Symphony).

from the WWII portion of the wall

from the Korean War

the current one

In a much happier genre, had lunch with the California mother of the writers of the blogs on your right: "Hobbits, Home and Abroad" and "fiction, instead of lies".  It was lovely to see her and catch up on the past four years of our lives.

And as ever, I popped by Pike's Market for produce.  Rainier cherries are perfect right now, so will be feasting on those tonight.


  1. Aww, how cute you guys look! I didn't get the one you had on FB - I have to log in, and can't - but this is adorable. Despite the restaurant choice (which was LG's, no doubt).

  2. Hello, Geri! Now: it's time for you to get a passport & come visit US for a change!

  3. The window/water view helped ease the shock of being in a chain restaurant.

    (And I'm guessing it's much more affordable to train up to Seattle than to fly to Europe!)
