Friday, July 29, 2011

casting for comfort

Those of us in the PNW (Pacific Northwest) know, know that when the sun shines, you grab it's cheerful presence and celebrate.  And so we did.  Despite an unwelcome prognosis, we sat in the sun, enjoyed the hummingbirds and ate our mango popsicles. 

Happy Poetry--this just came to me via the fabulous Writer's Almanac.

My own heart let me more have pity on; let
Me live to my sad self hereafter kind,
Charitable; not live this tormented mind
With this tormented mind tormenting yet.
I cast for comfort I can no more get
By groping round my comfortless, than blind
Eyes in their dark can day or thirst can find
Thirst's all-in-all in all a world of wet.
Soul, self; come, poor Jackself, I do advise
You, jaded, let be; call off thoughts awhile
Elsewhere; leave comfort root-room; let joy size
At God knows when to God knows what; whose smile
's not wrung, see you; unforeseen times rather — as skies
Betweenpie mountains — lights a lovely mile.
"My own heart let me have more have pity on; let..."

 by Gerard Manley Hopkins. Public domain


  1. Gerald Manley Hopkins - I thought studying all he wrote for my comprehensives would come out my pores. He is a wordsmith without superficiality. This poem deserves more than cursory reading - hit me today anyhow.

  2. I always have to read him three or four times to take any meaning away from the mouthcramming words of his poetry. In snatches, read aloud. Sara (Lewis Holmes) is still trying to memorize Pied Beauty and a few others of his.
