Tuesday, November 3, 2009


1. any of a class of pungent or aromatic substances of vegetable origin, as pepper, cinnamon, or    cloves,  used as seasoning, preservatives, etc.
2. such substances collectively or as material.
3. a spicy or aromatic odor or fragrance.
4. something that gives zest: a spice of humor in his solemnity.
5. a piquant, interesting element or quality; zest; piquancy.
6. Archaic. a small quantity of something; trace; bit.

Was out of cinnamon and my favorite chili/tabasco sauce, so a trek to the local Cost Plus was the adventure of the day.  It's over five miles of walking, so there was much to see.

Very hard to see, but there is poetry along the walls of the main bus terminal.

A closer look; it's very cool because it makes sense reading it horizontally, as well as vertically.

As my kitchen is a rather stark black and black, thought it was time to retire the black towels and get something peppier!  And the Eiffel Tower motif was fitting as it's time to renew my passport.

Another penny found as I was headed into the shop to get my passport photos taken.  With the thousands of days that I've lived, the three days that I've gotten my photos taken for my passport are so vivid in memory.  I was 18 when I got my first one and had no idea of the fascinating worlds that were going to be explored with this magic blue book.  As Dr. Seuss would say, "Oh, the places you'll go!"

Wonder where the next decade will take me?

And my receipt from the spice purchases yielded a FREE movie pass!  Saving it for a rainy day--which in Seattle isn't a long time to save anything....


  1. WOW! Free a free movie pass and pennies! DEFINITION of a good day.

    Mine is that I went out sans umbrella or hat and it only sprinkled and started to pour after I got home.

  2. Oh, the places you will go ... would those include, oh, Glasgow?
