Wednesday, November 11, 2009

gorgeousness amidst the greys

We've had several drippy days in a row now, but my walks are still filled with stunning, if soggy, moments.

Was a little unnerved when a flock of crows followed me for a block or so.  Most of them flew off before I snapped this photo, so you'll have to imagine five times as many birds.

Very cool bright green shrubberies that were filled with red leaves--voila!  Instant yuletide feeling.  (I don't know why my camera is suddenly blurry.  I've checked the settings.  Perhaps it is just old age?  The camera's, not mine.)

I do not know what this bush is, but it has intrigued me for several weeks.  Any gardeners out there who know the species?

Why yes, I did take photos of all three purple-berried bushes.

Last shot.

Think Bogart may have already developed SAD; he mopes around on rainy days and glares at the rain drops on the window.  And on mornings like this bright one, he's plants himself in the sunny spots.  I may have to get full-spectrum bulbs just for him!


  1. No clues on the berries, but they're pretty. Wonder if they dry nicely? (Already plotting for Advent wreath. Imagine that with a touch -- JUST A TOUCH, AND PAINTED OUTSIDE -- of gold paint?)

    What kind of camera is it? Maybe we can look up something online to help you get it focused. How irritating to have it sort of slide out -- when really, a point-and-shoot is supposed to take care of that!! If it still works, though, there may be something you can do.

  2. Yes! Advent wreath is exactly where my mind went. Wonder if I ought to knock on their door and ask if I can have some. They are so cool. And yes, it's time to spray paint something :)

    Am at work, so don't know my camera.

  3. I've heard of pets on Prozac - but I haven't seen Bogart depressed - probably is expensive - and who knows if it helps? - when, or are you, leaving for Thanksgiving? Been talking with Tim/Steve on getting together soon - you too if possible.

  4. A word for Bogart: catnip.
    He just needs a few recreational drugs like everyone else in Seattle does. ;)
