Monday, November 9, 2009

After an aggravating work week, I am pleased to say that calm and accord have returned to the rank and file.   There are days when I simply want to stand on the piano bench and shriek, "Just suck it up and deal with it!"  I miss working with teens, because I could do that.  Now, I have to pretend to have a veneer of maturity and provide wise guidance.

(see above photo.)

Am also pleased that after many days of procrastination, my budget draft was finished tonight in time for me to skip down the hill to Compline.


  1. Too much time on your hands, eh? Fairly good shot, except that your head and the bit of railing which is in focus ... should be at the same relative distance from the camera. if you were farther back on the train, it might not look so 'shopped. ;)

    I'm sorry that you have to pretend to be mature. You could just tell them to suck it up. It might not do them any harm. And why is it, really, that people think that, just because you're old enough to drink, you can't be told to suck it up? Hmm?

  2. Yes, well I'm still in my probationary period and would truly loathe job-hunting again.

  3. So, when will you be able to be honest with them?

  4. And: will you be able to break the habit of lying to them, after you've made it through some period of not telling them that they suck?
