Monday, June 4, 2012

move, apocolyptic style

little did I know the mile of fun that awaited me, this cool June morning.

At least there was the fun of a Rice Hill stop and, as it was 10 a.m., I was the first customer of the day--no lines!

Fried 'shrooms in honor of Nin.

Some organic treats from a gracious Wilsonville host.

What would a move be without some random road shots?

 We'll draw a large velvet veil over the grinding up the steep inclines, the shifting down and praying that the transmission (or the tires or the radiator) wouldn't blow.  Hoping the large 2-3 trailered semis wouldn't blast me off the road.  Ignoring the crunching complaint of a dying CV joint.  Trying to sing loudly enough to cover up all the random clanks from the chains attaching the trailer.  And white-knuckling through the gale-forces trying to flip the trailer.

Beautiful moonrise outside of Sacramento.

 Gooooood riddance to the bloody trailer.  And double that sentiment--as I had no idea that very shortly after this photo was taken, I would be driving in the worst sandstorm I've seen.  We literally had to stop because visibility was 0.  And more winds.  And then pouring rain.  There had jolly well better not be locusts and lice during the rest of this move.

 In calmer news--the kitty cousins are making peace.  Bogart's still swearing at the dog.

Lemon fresh shrubberies.

Little oasis.

Have missed the scent of jasmine and gardenias.

And to end with humor--every once in awhile, I would be startled by 'someone' tailgating me.  Then I would giggle as I realized IT WAS MY OWN TRAILER.

So very glad to have delivered my stuff to be picked up by a semi and I can now revel in relaxing and catching up with old friends.

1 comment:

  1. ☺☺ Well, yes; sneaking up on yourself?? Knew you'd make it just fine, loud singing be darned.
