Thursday, March 1, 2012

si, senorita....mucho gusto tortillas

 One of my favorite things in teaching English as a language is the meandering path class often takes.  I'll begin with my prepped vocab or grammar point and let things go where the conversation heads.  The other day, tortilla was one of the unknown words.  And while showing photos is a quick way to explain a thing or concept, I thought making tortillas would be more fun.

 So, today as the snow pelted and drifted around, my first period boys headed into the kitchen to press and flip (and yes, eat!) tortillas.  After, of course, washing their hands.   Shuai took the first shift on the press, while Haotian manned the burner.

 At first, they wouldn't try the hot sauce because they said that American hot sauce was no good.  I showed them that this was imported from Mexico and assured them it was just as spicy and kicky as any Chinese pepper sauce.  They pretty much drank the bottle after the first taste.

 They were v. proud of the perfectly round shapes they were getting by the end of the session.

 And after a few pan fulls, they decided they didn't need no stinkin' pancake flipper and started flipping tortillas through the air like new chefs.

Haotian deciding that he wanted to make miniature ones and when they puffed up, he broke off a piece and filled it with hot sauce.

Guanbo finally decided to let me take a photo of him.

1 comment:

  1. I am having Cholula envy.
    What a fun teacher you are - despite Mr. G. not really wanting to be part of teacher's fun photography...
