Sunday, March 4, 2012

one fish, two fish

 As Dr. Seuss's birthday just went by, seemed appropriate to visit the Seattle Aquarium with my internationals (as I'm now calling them).  

And after the dearth of pennies to be found on this island, was delighted to find an entire quarter on my walk ferrywards.

As my students are in love with American hamburgers, I hid my disdain and loathing for chain restaurants and took them to Red Robin.  They loved it--especially the endless fries.  They all ordered in English and figured out the tip.  Lesson plans are everywhere in the hands of a teacher.

One of my favorite Seattle sculptures.

Blanca (Spain) and Hana (S. Korea) high-fiving the starfish.

Kevin & his new buddy, Cocoa (or at least that's the name we thought fit.)

Somehow these loaded out of order, but this is the other side of the table at lunch.

Friendly bread left for the birds.

Dabbling in the tide pools; while this is a marvelous aquarium, I am happy that I spent so many childhood/adolescent years at Lincoln City and got to play in the real deal.

Fuzzy crab kept trying to pinch the orange thing--no I didn't read all the placards--was trying to herd teens around.  (And may I just say crankily--could there be ONE day with a no-stroller admission policy?  My shins and the backs of my shoes are so beat up from being hit on both sides with stupid stroller drivers.)

Seattle has a baby otter!!  Born in January and as cute as can be.

The otter father just chillin' in the corner.

But the river otters were a close second in the cuteness race and this was SO eager to make friends with us. 

And I finally remembered, to shoot a photo of this menu holder outside a local restaurant.  I walk past it on my various errands and it just amuses me.

A good weekend.  But now I'd like another one to prep for Monday.

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