Monday, December 21, 2009


Yesterday was a long blurred cycle of:  rehearsal, church, warm-ups, church, rehearsal, rehearsal, rehearsal, caroling, cookie eating, decorating, rehearsal.  Caught my breath with a lovely long winter's walk to St. Mark's Compline service.

Now, I sit, staring out the window at the shortest day of the year.  It seems as though I merely blinked and it was 21 June.  As my brain is sluggish, will share another's words with you this morn:

The most ancient spiritual wisdom was centered around predictable shifts in seasonal energies.  Rituals revolved around sowing, reaping and the cycles of light and darkness.  The seasonal rhythms correlate with our bodily rhythm....Our dream life and inner life grow more insistent in the winter darkness....The old year is put to bed, one's business is finished, and the harvest of spiritual maturity is reaped as wisdom and forgiveness.

1 comment:

  1. The words in my head today are,

    Let there be peace on earth,
    and let it begin with me.

    Let there be peace on earth,
    the peace that was meant to be,
    with God as our father, brothers all are we
    Let us walk with our brothers in perfect harmony.

    Let peace begin with me -
    Let this be the moment now.
    With every step I take, let this be my solemn vow,
    To take each moment and live each moment
    In peace eternally;

    Let there be peace on earth,
    And let it begin with me.
