Saturday, January 2, 2010

three coins, no fountain

Three pennies found today.  Yes, the tree is still up; we're only on the 8th day of Christmas.  A lovely little baskets of treats was delivered as well as this....

But the biggest treat of today, and possibly this month was this gorgeous painting done by my cousin!!

Stack of Books by Cheryl Ratcliff is hanging out with my stack of books for the evening.


  1. That IS a marvelous painting. What a lovely gift! Happy 8th day of Christmas to you, Laurie.

  2. What a nifty painting! And I love the round Santa you have, too.

    Lights and ornaments are down here. Cowboys are UP.

    Yes. Yet ANOTHER party.

    I'm going home in nine days. It's horrible that I'm counting them. Just horrible.
