Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Trying to articulate something meaningful about life and choices and whether we are captain of our fate or merely pawns on the Board of Life, but there's been no coffee infusion into the brain yet this morning.  So, I will simply let Wordsworth speak, and allow whatever meaning you need to find, to appear in your day.

Glad sight wherever new with old
Is joined through some dear homeborn tie;
The life of all that we behold
Depends upon that mystery.
Vain is the glory of the sky,
The beauty vain of field and grove
Unless, while with admiring eye
We gaze, we also learn to love.

"Glad sight wherever new with old" by William Wordsworth, from Selected Poems. © Penguin Books, 2004.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I can answer that one, coffee or no -

    we are captain of
    exactly nothing. Our fate
    Games against destiny.

    We are only along for the ride.
