"Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?"
"That depends a good deal on where you want to get to," said the cat.
"I don't much care where," said Alice.
"Then it doesn't matter which way you go," said the cat.
Lewis Carroll, from Alice in Wonderland
embossed and ivoried serifs burst with profusion from my post box
quietly mocking with commencement, nuptial and offspring arrivals
while glad for other's fortunes, I wonder
when do
I get the grant?
the train ticket?
the ring?
the stamp in my passport?
even while know I am only seeing the outer of the Other
my mirrored shell is cruel
with it's callous reflections of cellulite and grey
the Other's skinny joy is juxtaposed
with my sodden and stagnant life
manky-- like January leaves in the gutter
Exhausted with a life
scrabbled together with duct tape and paper clips
Guilt slinks around my ankles
what kind of ingrate am I to morose around
while the neighborhood exuberantly
throws pinks and greens into the air?
Still. i ask
when, oh when
when is it my turn to bloom?
All photos from my wander around my neighborhood this morning. If you peer closely at this last one, you will be delighted to see that it is blooming in both pink and white--thanks to someone's grafting.