Tuesday, July 31, 2012

just Capitol

Finally made it to the Capitol Building.

 It was a bit strange; after passing through a metal detector, one was free to roam the entire building--sans guide.

 Beautiful hinges on the doors of the Senate and Rep Chambers.

 This shot was supposed to show the cool star-shaped lights.

 Have never seen a state so enamored with the star symbol--it's on EVERYTHING here.

 Senate desks.

 Such great details throughout the building.

Too chicken to actually lean over the railing and take a floor shot.

 Yes, many many shots--it's just such an arresting building in the skyline, one cannot help it.

 Some historic large ancient tree....

and as we're hitting a streak of 100+ days, am spending as much time as possible at Barton Springs--this was my view for most of yesterday afternoon.  Going to be difficult to be closed up in the classroom in a couple of weeks.

Another floor design

Back to a delicious little NY pizza joint for a snack; floating in icy cold water and reading for hours is so exhausting....

More Texas flora.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Lady Bird's flowers

 In a lovely serendipitous moment, Sunday was a free admittance day to this outing I had on my summer list o' field trips.

 I am very much enjoying all the architecture around here crafted out of Texas limestone.

Guess in case your eyesight is bad and you need an enlarged version of said flower?

 Gorgeous little entrance pond.

 Also am loving all the light-strung courtyards around here.  Perhaps when it gets below 100 degrees, I will also enjoy hanging out in them.

The formal gardens.

Wish this blog site came with sound effects, so that you could hear the cicadas and the trickling, gurgling water.

Fun shade designs.

 The pond, upon leaving.

The State Bird (?!)

Friday, July 27, 2012

poetry on a plaque

Made it to the very cool Umlauf Sculpture Gardens yesterday.

 An eclectic mix of war refuges, religious icons, nudes, and whimsical animals.

 In honor of JJ's imminent arrival!

The Poetess

The Rooster--my Chinese symbol

More Texas wildflowers.  One of my field trips this weekend is to the centennial celebration of flowers at Lady Bird Gardens--hoping to actually learn some names of the native plants.