Thursday, February 17, 2011

sad mac

No, I haven't fallen off the face of any orbital object; my laptop screen has just blacked out.  When it is fixed, I shall return with my stash of pennies and daily delights.

Monday, February 7, 2011


A fun creation using absolutely no recipe.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Year of the Rabbit

has begun most auspiciously with a friend's double-biopsied results coming back as non-cancerous and another friend's perilous flight safely landed.  This thankful household is breathing again and celebrating with more lucky dumplings.

And so today's poem highlights the wit of Ms. Parker and the deep desire for a nap.

Daily dawns another day;
I must up, to make my way.
Though I dress and drink and eat,
Move my fingers and my feet,
Learn a little, here and there,
Weep and laugh and sweat and swear,
Hear a song, or watch a stage,
Leave some words upon a page,
Claim a foe, or hail a friend—
Bed awaits me at the end.

Though I go in pride and strength,
I'll come back to bed at length.
Though I walk in blinded woe,
Back to bed I'm bound to go.
High my heart, or bowed my head,
All my days but lead to bed.
Up, and out, and on; and then
Ever back to bed again,
Summer, Winter, Spring, and Fall—
I'm a fool to rise at all!

"Inscription for the Ceiling of a Bedroom" by Dorothy Parker.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

let the calm begin

According to this nifty site, the Year of the Rabbit is a time to catch one's breath and calm one's nerves.  Whether or not you celebrate the Chinese New Year, this sounds like good advice.

Gung Hay Fat Choy!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

souper evening

Tedious committee meeting cancelled this evening means I can be home amongst my pots/pans!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

in like a goddess

Glorious and gorgeous weather to welcome a new month.

I was bemused to find several merchants out spraying down the sidewalks in front of their shops.  Were they worried that we don't know how to walk on dry pavement?  Worried that the cement would dry out?

Am always tickled when I find exactly two cents per day.

Lots o' greenery for this week's diet.

Fitting that this beauteous produce arrived on the day I began reading this intriguing new book.