Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sunday, November 28, 2010

this, that, & the other

I rescued three Lemon Boys from the snow and the first ripened in time for tonight's dinner.

V. noir shadows over rose petals by a local florist's shop.

Just walked home from a lovely concert conducted by my neighbor and colleague.  Excellent evening with which to kick off the quiet of Advent and December.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

random spontaneity

Was doing this morning's crossword and one of the answers was 'macaroons'.  Realized that I hadn't had one in ages and also realized that I had never baked them.  Rummaged around in my cupboards and was delighted to find that I had the ingredients necessary.  YUM!

p.s.  when they say heavily grease the foil, they mean it.  These may have to be gnawed off the foil.

Friday, November 26, 2010

frozen wonder

Woke to a warm world with not a flake of snow to be seen.   While it was a beautiful week, am glad to be able to be out/about with ease and safety.  Happy Friday; happy poetry reading.

If you have seen the snow
somewhere slowly fall
on a bicycle,
then you understand
all beauty will be lost
and that even the loss
can be beautiful.

And if you have looked
at a winter garden
and seen not a winter garden
but a meditation on shape,
then you know why
this season is not
known for its words,
the cold too much
about the slowing of matter,
not enough about the making of it.

So you are blessed
to forget this way:
a jump rope in the ice melt,
a mitten that has lost its hand,
a sun that shines
as if it doesn't mean it.
And if in another season
you see a beautiful woman
use her bare hands
to smooth wrinkles
from her expensive dress
for the sake of dignity,
but in so doing trace
the outlines of her thighs,
then you will remember
surprise assumes a space
that has first been forgotten,
especially here, where we
rarely speak of it,
where we walk out onto the roofs
of frozen lakes
simply because we're stunned
we really can.

"Upon Discovering My Entire Solution to the Attainment of Immortality Erased from the Blackboard Except the Word 'Save'" by Donny Gibson, from Polar.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

a solid floor

Good words for a good day.


My own little Currier & Ives moment.

Sometimes it is good to be at the bottom of Maslow's Pyramid, because with just a simple nap and some snackage, life is 100% better.

Happy Thanksgiving all!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

odyssey of a snow day

Although I had to cancel all my gigs today and am slightly hyperventilating about the lost income, decided to hike out/about and see what Seattle is like in the snow. 

Exhibit A:

Leftover cars all over Pine Street--and STILL people were out driving.

Tiffany's windows are always elegant, but the minute trees added a nice twinkle to the ice.

 Tip-top of the Seattle Christmas tree is now decorated.

 In case you're wondering what to wear to Thursday's dinner!

Cool shadow boxes with twigs and such.

Gorgeous autumn leaves, stunned by snow.

And although in an extremely rare moment, I am running the heat--my delicious leek/potato soup really created this much steam....

and this tracked-in snow hasn't melted in two hours.  It's a bit chilly 'round here.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Yes, it is glorious to watch the snow swirl around--however, being an hourly employee makes me not enjoy the day off quite as much as I did in the 3rd grade.

Insane tomatoes ripening in the blasts of snow....the same little buggers that stayed green all of warm July and August.

Wind whistling and actually blowing cars around on the road.  

Monday, November 22, 2010

the end

of the gardening efforts for 2010!

Bogart, being nonplused by the snow.

Shivering heather and lavender.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

bits & pieces

Yes, that would be snow in Seattle.

Still raining, but finally a clear shot of the starfish lights.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

day o' yumminess

Gift certificate for cheesecake is always a delightful thing.

Even better when a cousin is there and one isn't limited to just one flavor!

Penny found for each pocket on the brISK walk homewards.  There are rumors of snowflakes coming our way.

Gorgeous full moon and a long night of girl talk ahead.

Friday, November 19, 2010

19 November

One side of the Seattle Art Museum on my way to visit the Picassos.

French art seemed to need French food for lunch.

Although the snow level is dropping by the day,

my crazy flowers continue to bloom.

cents and scenes from the day

Thursday, November 18, 2010

the copper gods

smiled again on my morning walk.

Intriguing geometric sculptures of bamboo in someone's front yard.

And I'll end this year with wisdom from a card from my choir:  the secret to a long life is to keep breathing as long as possible.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010


and that's all I have to say...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

a sky of tomorrows

I tell you the past is a bucket of ashes.
I tell you yesterday is a wind gone down,
              a sun dropped in the west.
I tell you there is nothing in the world
             only an ocean of tomorrows,
a sky of tomorrows.

from Carl Sandburg's  Prairie

Monday, November 15, 2010

thrill, cheap

I've always been fond of consignment stores and Goodwill, but lately that has turned into a full-blown love.  Please admire this shirt (which is actually raspberry coloured) that I acquired today for $1.29.  Yes!  That is one dollar and twenty-nine cents.  It's surreal when I was in a store yesterday and they had the same shirts for a a price with the decimal moved two places to the right.

And when one is wearing it?  No one can tell the difference.  It stuns me that people pay full price for the same label.  

Small happiness for the day :)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

day of delights

Hands down, my best date of the year.  Sushi at the cool place downtown where your plates go zipping by on a conveyor belt, a swoop through the children's department at Nordstrom's to admire their massive aquariums and then to the Central Library to ride the neon green escalators.

Followed by a hot chocolate (to recuperate from walking all those city blocks with teeny legs) with a magic chocolate stirring stick.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

this. that.

Action shot of penny and divine buttered rum candle.

Another branch of the library which I visited.  I am thrilled that I live within walking distance of FOUR libraries.  And yes, they do intra-library loans, but just knowing that I'm surrounded by that much love of reading makes my brain happy.

Lovely cards & gifts in the post and more pennies in my path.