Tuesday, August 31, 2010

full circle

is the name of the farm from which I am now getting two boxes of produce monthly.  Serendipitous that as I stepped out the door to go get my first box, there was a penny at my feet?  I vaguely remember trying this CSA thing before, but getting overwhelmed with five cabbages.  Or some such thing.

But I am feeling optimistic about this venture as it is only twice monthly.  And as it is pouring today, reminds me that it won't always be a pleasant jaunt down the hills to Pike's Market during the winter.  (My closest farmer's market is on Sundays--right during my working hours.)

Bok choy that can only be called darling.

In less than 12 hours we've gone from this to

Yeah!  August is finally over.  We're headed into the best bits of the year now.

Monday, August 30, 2010


A hand full of fresh beans for breakfast kicked this day off to a promising beginning.

As was dining and staring out at my miniature garden.

We (myself and the feline who eats all my plants except the catnip expressly planted for himself) also found it delightful to have the door wide open, as it was supposed to be raining this morning.  Not that we natives mind the liquid sunshine.

One delight of working on Sundays, is that on Mondays I have most places to myself.  Today's meander was back at the beach.  As I walked past two elderly women, the one without the oxygen tank was reading from a pamphlet:  "This is the time you need to call your family and friends who have any distance to travel..."

That was all I heard as I walked by.

Is it trite to remark 'carpe diem' in response?

Sunday, August 29, 2010

vacation needed

Last week, I played Schubert's Ave Maria in five flats--or attempted to do so.  I've played that song hundreds (or what feels like) of times.  Today, I thought my boss had given the closing prayer, so I launched loudly into the closing hymn.

If you're ever feeling shorted of attention, I recommend playing something at the wrong time in church.  You'll have lots of eyes upon yourself.

It was not the closing prayer, but an extra one.  Obviously for some cause which I wasn't listening.

I need a nap.  Preferably on a warm island beach.  And for several consecutive days.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

sans titre

You can imagine the blurriness as an action shot.

In case you were wondering where the place to meet is...

No coins found today, but a bargain book o' poetry and a completely filled stamp card from my favorite local store.

Friday, August 27, 2010

ravenous heart

maya stein
It’s never the same, is it, that next night following the meal
you threw yourself into, having braved the zoo of the weekend market,
the mad scramble in your files for a cheesecake recipe that could steal
anyone’s heart, the patient stovetop stirring, the kitchen a thicket
of aromas and your own wild, unassailable ardor. Now, these same dishes
rendered less spectacular the second time around, dessert
a little on the gummy side, house too quiet, and your only real wish is
to clear the fridge of this remainder, wipe the shelves of the effort
you gave. You want blankness, space, a raw canvas for creating.
The stomach of your heart is ravenous and waiting.

(extremely thrilled to announce that the writing workshop that maya is doing at Saint Meg's is full, as of today!  Stay tuned for further details.)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

walls of shoes

While sitting on the sand this afternoon, I noticed that it is perhaps time to splurge on a new pair of flip-flops.  In an uncharacteristic point, I do not remember where I bought these.  People say they wish walls could talk, I wish my shoes could.  What tales of trails would this pair tell?

The ones that survived the cross-country move--twice.

These chartreuse heels would tell of a fun spring outing with a favored aunt to the Nordstrom Rack in April of 2007.

These elegant workhorse shoes would tell of myriad concerts and stages...yes, even Carnegie Hall.

These would tell the saga of a gorgeous summer wedding in Carmel with a less than fairy book ending.

These would twinkle with such fun outings and for being one of the most complimented pairs in my closet.

These will sigh that they don't get many outings; being suede in a rainy and hilly life has them sitting in storage.

Because, really, one cannot have too many pink shoes.

Especially if they make the legs look good.

Unrelated to shoes, the plants are flourishing in this week's heat.

And the full moon rising is stunning.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


So, what do you do when your ducks are already in a row?  Yes, there are a few turtles in the line-up as well.

Such screaming I haven't heard since supervising an elementary playground.  The gull on the right was enamored of his crab brunch and was not about to share one nibble.

Love the algae on these large slabs of concrete.

Monday, August 23, 2010

simple joys

My first Lemon Boy forming on the vine.

Tri-coloured beans and tomatoes from the farmer's market.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


The first tinges of autumn!!!!!!!

Seconded by some ivy a block later.

Fresh flowers in the ferry bathroom added a touch of elegance to the mini-break trip which I took.

This miniature day of vacation was celebrated by a pop into Sluys for a cinnamon roll to enjoy on a park bench.

As I enjoyed my solo dining last week, decided to try it again and found it just as delightful.  This wall of Mexico also amuses me, smack in the midst of Viking territory.

How I'd really like to be spending my summer....

Sleepy girl posing by her grandparents new tandem bicycle.  One which they are riding across America the summer next!

Passenger excited by the prospect of heading to the Pt. Townsend farmer's market.

Sunscreen?  Check.  Hat?  Check.  Stroller shade?  Check.  Blanket?  Check.

Divine breakfast.

Friendly town.

Something chocolate and a penny found wrapped up the outing in a most fitting way.

Friday, August 20, 2010

no poetry, just felicity

After a dismal week on many levels, am relieved not only to see the ending of it, but to detail the delights.  Another penny found and a fresh admiration for this Mexican pottery which I procured on a happy vacation awhile ago.

Roses from the garden of a voice student who made her debut last week.  Her debut in her 60s.  She is just thrilled with singing and is so much fun to see each week.

Another shot of the pinkness.

And, can you believe...someone just gave me this TV.  For FREE.  Yes, it's an old-fashioned kind without all the blue-ray whatever.  But I'm thrilled.  I left my dead one in Princeton a year ago and now I have a way to watch all the free movies from the library.  In case you cannot see, the debut showing on this is Julie & Julia.  

Happy Friday everyone!