Sunday, January 31, 2010

viva Verdi

Last night, I had the chance to see my second Verdi opera in Seattle.  Wrenching opera, beautifully done.  Also finally got the chance to dine at Chez Shea, not wrenching but equally beautifully done!

Friday, January 29, 2010



"There is neither happiness nor unhappiness in this world; there is only the comparison of one state with another. Only a man who has felt ultimate despair is capable of feeling ultimate bliss. It is necessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live.....the sum of all human wisdom will be contained in these two words: Wait and Hope."

~Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

back in the world!

No, it's not gold-plated with diamonds, but it still feels fabulous to have my improved laptop back!  The blessing is that it was all under warranty.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

brightest and best

Sang my favorite Epiphany hymn this helps to be 'in good' with the hymn chooser :)  To be fair, I do have an Excel data sheet on Google docs, so that the entire congregation may see that I utilize the entire hymnal over the year....

Had a pleasant dime-finding stroll down to Elliott Bay (which is moving to my neighborhood this year!) and got a new crossword book to stave off Alheizmers.  A good day, all in all.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

little blessings

I know potatoes are on all the bad-foods lists, but 10 lbs. for $.99 was too good to pass up.  Now to find ways to present them without the cream and butter and cheese!

$.11 was the sum of the day's walking

Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday's poetry

The Speaker

by Louis Jenkins

The speaker points out that we don't really have much of
a grasp of things, not only the big things, the important
questions, but the small everyday things. "How many steps
up to your front door? What kind of tree grows in your
backyard? What is the name of your district representative?
What is your wife's shoe size? Can you tell me the color of your
sweetheart's eyes? Do you remember where you parked
the car?" The evidence is overwhelming. Most of us never
truly experience life. "We drift through life in a daydream,
missing the true richness and joy that life has to offer." When
the speaker has finished we gather around to sing a few
inspirational songs. You and I stand at the back of the group
and hum along since we have forgotten most of the words.

In honor of my academy classmate, Trina Gonzales who died last Saturday.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

sunrise and Thoreau

"To affect the quality of the day,
that is the highest of arts. 
Every man is tasked to make his life,
even in its details, 
worthy of the contemplation of his most elevated and critical hour."

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

expected, and otherwise

the treats of my day--a package from home and free poinseittas!

which were banished to the drippy deck so Bogart doesn't ingest them.  But they're still a cheerful sight!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

quarter & a lesson

Found a shiny California quarter on the ground on my way to teach a voice lesson! 

Monday, January 11, 2010

grey, but cosy

Oh yes, tis January in Seattle.

But there are still pennies to be found and tasty treats to be devoured.  Found a slab of halvah at Pike's Market this weekend while out with a cousin.

and new kitchen toys to test out

Friday, January 8, 2010

wintry poetry

With the icy city rain slanting into the window, this seems an appropriate poem for the day.  However, tis cosy inside with opera playing on the stereo, a penny found, and an experimental frittata scenting the flat with garlic, mushrooms and basil.  Happy Friday!

You Are Happy

by Margaret Atwood

The water turns
a long way down over the raw stone,
ice crusts around it

We walk separately
along the hill to the open
beach, unused
picnic tables, wind
shoving the brown waves, erosion, gravel
rasping on gravel.

In the ditch a deer
carcass, no head. Bird
running across the glaring
road against the low pink sun.

When you are this
cold you can think about
nothing but the cold, the images

hitting into your eyes

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

cent of lightness

an Epiphany penny found

Monday, January 4, 2010

pragmatic blessings

With some Christmas monies and a nice dealer discount, I was able to put two brand new tires on my car today.  As I've been hydroplaning and fishtailing all over the county for the past few weeks, this is a huge blessing!  2010 is beginning to look up.  (Read the funniest editorial about the arguments over how to pronounce this year--is it twenty-ten or two-thousand-ten?  Mainly a discussion at the university level for this spring's commencements.)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sunday poetry!

As I missed Friday's poetic celebration, thought I'd post something interesting today.  I've been reading this one for almost a week, chewing and pondering upon it, since it arrived in my email from Garrison.

Eleven Addresses to the Lord

by John Berryman
Sole watchman of the flying stars, guard me
against my flicker of impulse lust: teach me
to see them as sisters & daughters. Sustain
my grand endeavours: husbandship & crafting.

Forsake me not when my wild hours come;
grant me sleep nightly, grace soften my dreams;
achieve in me patience till the thing be done,
a careful view of my achievement come.

Make me from time to time the gift of the shoulder.
When all hurt nerves whine shut away the whiskey.
Empty my heart toward Thee.
Let me pace without fear the common path of death.

Cross am I sometimes with my little daughter:
fill her eyes with tears: Forgive me, Lord.
Unite my various soul,
sole watchman of the wide & single stars.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

three coins, no fountain

Three pennies found today.  Yes, the tree is still up; we're only on the 8th day of Christmas.  A lovely little baskets of treats was delivered as well as this....

But the biggest treat of today, and possibly this month was this gorgeous painting done by my cousin!!

Stack of Books by Cheryl Ratcliff is hanging out with my stack of books for the evening.

Friday, January 1, 2010

chocolate cheesecake bars

my flat smells divinely of dark, deep chocolate cheesecake bars; a fitting way to kick off a new year.  My only kevetch is that somehow I purchased strawberry (what a travesty) candy canes.  Why would anyone make another flavor except peppermint? And I oughtn't complain too loudly as there is a grocer's just an elevator ride away. 

Guess I ought to clarify for those who didn't read my old're to crush up the candy canes and sprinkle them on top of these bars for a nice crunch and contrast to the, yes it must be said, velvety chocolate goodness of the bars.